You can file your copyright complaint via email

If you see any file or article that violates copyright in, you can write us an email for immediate removal. Violated content will be removed within 24 hours. Type in the subject “DMCA”, then mention the link “———” that violated copyright laws. Send us from your company’s website email to our email [email protected]

No multimedia file is being hosted by us on this website.

  • We are not associated with the list of contents found on remote servers. We have no connection or association with such content.
  • The mp4, avi, mkv files that are available for download are not hosted on and are hosted on other servers (therefore, not our host service).
  • Each file in is only for listening research.
  • This domain ( functions as a movie search engine and does not store or host any files or other copyrighted material. We follow copyright laws, but if you find any search results that you feel are illegal, you are asked to complete the form and send an email to [email protected]

In fact, we adhere to the rights of producers and artists. We assure you that your work will be safe and legal, which will result in a positive experience for each of you, whether you are a creator or a musical artist. Please note that if any person knowingly or intentionally misrepresents any material or activity listed in Section 512(f), it would be considered a violation of copyright law. Then, if you are doing so, you are liable for your own harm. But keep one thing in mind: Don’t make any false claims about the infringed content!

The complete information contained in the legal notice may also be sent to the interested party providing the content that is being infringed.

Procedure for submitting a request for deletion:

  • If you are filling out a complaint form, always remember to put each link on a defined line.
  • Requests to remove links from servers such as ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ among others will be discarded, as these are a third party service and we are not affiliated or associated in any way, so we do not control these files.
  • You are requested not to send more than 20 links in one day. This will allow us sufficient time to block and inspect the infringed content.
  • We are a search engine for movies and series, so we do not host or store any files or other copyrighted material on our server.
    Send an email with the URLs to be deleted to [email protected]